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Pigeon Falls Book Club

Discussion Questions

  1. The Horseshoe Inn serves as home base for the traveling construction crew. In what ways does the “Shoe” also serve as a hub for the local community?
  2. How does setting (the Driftless Area, late autumn, changing weather) enhance the plot?
  3. Tragic events are spread throughout the novel. Which event is most threatening and why?
  4. If you were a member of the crew, how would you have handled Burnell Sandberg when he made derogatory comments about Skinny Martin, and later about Manny Herrera?
  5. Some readers have noted that the real protagonist of Pigeon Falls is not the narrator, Tom Bishop (or the foreman, Warren King). They contend that the entire crew functions as the heroic force in the story. What are arguments for and against that perspective?
  6. How does greed figure into the story?
  7. Are the wind turbines and their red night lights symbols of anything notable? Are there any other symbols in the book, and if so, what might they represent?
  8. What should a person who is not a family member or a close friend of a victim of abuse do when they witness or otherwise learn about those troubles?
  9. Comment on Nietzsche’s idea of Amor Fati (loving one’s fate).
  10. Eddie’s part in the novel is its own coming-of-age story. Discuss how he matures throughout the book.
  11. How is Candace a catalyst for change, and who or what changes?
  12. Pigeon Falls is not only a story about a traveling construction crew; it is also a story about Tom’s illness. What impact do his health issues have on the overall theme of the book?
  13. What roles do these background characters play in the novel: Mike, Dot, Albert, Joyce Sandberg, Tom’s father?